Mike's Hard Lemonade
Game Mechanics, UX, Design
In support of the “Always Different, Always Refreshing” campaign I planned and designed a classic photo hunt game for the new-at-the-time Retina display iPad. To get started I did a quick survey of existing photo hunt games, noting the basic mechanics of the genre as well as the strengths and weaknesses of existing photo hunt apps. Afterward I sketched out a user flow and a set of tertiary game features.
Agency: Grey NY \ ECD: Eric Segal

Age-gate welcome screen, subtly encouraging you to connect the game to your Facebook account.

How it feels to win the game, win a round, and to not win at all.

How the game is played. Also shown: texture and depth effects courtesy of the extra-dense pixel display.

Gameplay screens. An incorrect tap earns you a time deduction, a big red "x" and a buzzer. Correct taps earn you points and time. Each location is marked and numbered to help track your progress.

Pause screen. No cheating.

Game complete. Ridiculously high score totals is something I borrowed from stand-up pinball games. Social sharing counts as a "brag" — once enough bragging happens the app is updated with a new set of photos to hunt.

UX/UI chicken scratch.